Today is Friday and it seems like this has been an incredibly long week.
This week, my van wouldn't crank and Audrey had a fever...wait that sounds like last week!! Apparently we are repeating last week. Though on the upside, the van appears to be fixed...just took 3 trips to the Honda place. No upside to Audrey yet. Poor girl has a major cold with lots of sneezing, coughing, and a gigantic amount of snot. Brooke and I are fortunate to just have a minor cold.
Little Buddies
All of a sudden this week the girls, especially Brooke, started climbing. They now can get on and off several of their little cars/toys. Brooke can climb up and stand on top of her pooh activity table...great! And if I am sitting on the floor by the couch, Brooke uses me as a step to climb up onto the couch. So it seems like we are getting into some very interesting times!
Pretty in Pink
Also this week the girls, especially Audrey, started throwing things....which would be fine if the didn't throw hard things or if they had any aim to their throwing at all. I have been pelted numerous times by the little peek-a-blocks. I may inadvertently be to blame for this throwing. Now when I get them out of their cribs, we make a big show to throw down their pacifiers into the crib (which since they each have one in their mouth and one in each hand actually is a big production by the time 6 are thrown). On the upside, they seem to take this pacifier limitation very well.
Audrey getting a ride from her friend Grayer(never mind he is 4 months younger!)So just recently I feel like parenting has gotten more do you discipline/teach your child how to be nice and considerate and share and not drop your food or drink from highchair? how do you teach them what is acceptable and what is not? It is so much easier with 9th graders since I know what they understand. Much harder with 14 month olds - especially little Brooke who wants everything Audrey has and will scream mercilessly until she gets it (which usually is soon cause Audrey will just move on to something is Brooke learning that she just has to scream to get her way??) And Audrey has certainly shown that she has a little temper too.
Again in the interest of equal air time to each, here is Audrey on her Rocking Horse: