6:30 - 7:00 am: girls wake up...usually in good moods with little chatter in the cribs that eventually turns to cries to come get me!
7:30 am: eat breakfast. the girls eat a quarter cup serving of oatmeal (usually mixed with a spoonful of fruit) and drink a 6 oz bottle. they love their bottles and are so cute with them. they have not quite mastered the fact that they need to tip the bottle in order to actually get anything out.
Afternoon nap: this usually happens in the car while we are out and about. the girls LOVE to sleep in the car, though I feel bad cause they always seem so startled when we get places and I have to wake them up.
Afternoon play/fussy time: more playing but generally they are less content as the day goes on. Therefore this is the time when we do baths and take walks. Currently we use a bath ring (though we only have 1 so they go separately...I tried a combo bath once using a bumbo as the other chair...does not work as the bumbo floats even with 17lbs in it...though A seemed to like bobbing up and down, but it was clearly not safe and will not be repeated)
Other random info:
Audrey loves to flap her arms and give great big smiles, loves to squeal with glee, must touch everything that comes near her (which is adorable as she rides in the bumbo in the basket of the grocery cart), continues to spit up massive amounts (dr said she is a "happy spitter"), weighs 17.5 lbs, and stays content longer at one activity though does steal pretty much everything that Brooke picks up to play with.
Brooke likes to look around at things and observe, holds her hands together over her belly, loves to say "mmm" when eating (which turns to ma ma ma ma when she is mad), has all 4 of her front teeth through the gums, loves to cuddle and be held more (and she must weigh at least 20 lbs! though no recent doctor visit to confirm), refuses to do tummy time (she just tucks and rolls back over), and likes to stand up (with support).
I liked the scheduled blog!! I dutifully read all of it & enjoyed it.
I'm like Izzie's mom (cute blog name by the way)--I read it and enjoy every entry. : )
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