- we are now taking care of the girls totally on our own and have come up with a pretty good schedule...though we are already trying to investigate how to drop the 3 am feeding. Fortunately people have been kind enough to bring us food, so we have not actually incorporated cooking into our schedule.
- the first day that K was on her own started off poorly. She was washing some bottles and pumping stuff in the sink in the bathroom. She stopped up the sink and then went to warm the bottles. Several minutes later, she realized that she left the water running....water was all over the bathroom! K had to take all the stuff out from under the sink to dry it and somehow managed to pull off part of the cabinet in the process (it was one of those fake drawer pieces and K decided to pull on it to get it to open so she could clean it) Lesson learned: new sinks don't have that little drain hole that we thought all sinks had. But other than that and the occasional projectile body fluid, life at home with the girls has been great.
- K and the girls have made weekly trips to the Dr to get them weighed (I think that they are regretting telling her that she could just pop in whenever to get them weighed!). As of yesterday the weights are Audrey 6lbs 15oz and Brooke 8lbs 15oz!! They are huge!!
- We have gone for several walks around the neighborhood in our double snap-n-go stoller, though the weather seems to have cooled off a little too much for that right now.
- K and the girls went to have pictures taken this past Monday. The normally sleepy and quiet babies apparently decided to be spit-up machines and became quite fussy. But all in all it was a fun outing and the pics ended up very nice (needless to say since A and B are so darn cute!)
- We have made one social outing to visit our "twin friends" Carter and Olivia. They are almost 1 and quite mobile...K wonders how that will work when A and B are both mobile and you have to keep up with where two of them are. How old do the kids have to be before you start putting those kiddie leashes on them??
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Well yesterday marked our girls' one month birthday!! Hard to believe that they have been out and about for one month. Here are some updates followed by some pictures:

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