Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Terrible and Terrific Twos

Sunday we experienced our greatest demonstration of terrible twos so far. We were pulling into the church parking lot when randomly Audrey started getting very upset. I thought it was because she dropped her bug (they insist on randomly carrying around small items and are currently on a bug phase). So we parked and I got her bug from the ground. This was apparently not it. She continued to scream -and I mean really scream - that she wanted to go home. As this really was not an option, I scooped her up and proceeded to carry her toward church. All the while she is HYSTERICALLY trying to wriggle out of my arms while crying and screaming. I can only wonder what the other people in the parking lot must have thought. We got to church and realized that no way could be leave her in the nursery like this - we have only been going to this church for a couple of months. So D gave it a shot to calm her down. Then I tried. Then we went back to the car - maybe I had unbuckled her when she wanted to do it herself and perhaps a do-over was all that was needed. No such luck. Finally - after what seemed like an hour, but was really probably closer to 20 minutes - we were able to calm her down with promises of drinking water from the fountain inside. Mercy. It was rough. Though once calm, she went right into her class. And when we came back to pick them up, they were both quite happy.

The terrific part of twos to me is finally having kids that talk in pretty much complete sentences and seeing what in the world they are thinking. Here are my favorites from the past couple of days:
Brooke, said with utter delight and amazement after going to the bathroom: "Holey Moley! That is very big poopie!"

Audrey: "I have baby in belly." Then she showed me her new sister. Then she ran away and came back. I asked her where she went. She replied "put sister in trash can." Hmmm. Perhaps it is a good thing that we are done with kids!
Playing their first board game - candy land. Of course this was again a clothing optional activity.


Hazel said...

Hope this Sunday was easier! BTW, where in the world would Brooke hear the phrase "Holy Moley"? (jk)

MomMom said...

I agree that hearing what they are thinking is the best thing about this age!

Love the comments from the girls! Keira waved to a poopie the other day as she flushed it, and said, "Bye, Poopie! I love you!"