Recently I have been taking the lazy route in my blogging and basically just posting pictures. But today I am going to try to remember all the little things that I think are note-worthy in our life right now.
The girls have just started getting into dress-up...which generally involves them getting dressed up and then performing a show for us.
One of my pet peeves about little kids before I had little kids was horrible pronunciation. I always thought that clearly the mom/dad/caregiver was just lazy about teaching the correct way to talk. So obviously I have two kids who have absolutely horrible pronunciation. And I correct ALL the time. Karma strikes again. The worst things for the girls are their blends, L's, and R's. The L's and R's really don't bother me that much anymore since those are super duper common and most people can still translate that. Their substitutions for the blends are totally bizarre...for TR they substitute a K sound. So tree is key and trouble is kouble. So odd. But I am so pleased to announce that all of a sudden the girls are actually saying the TR much better. Now tree is twee and trouble is twouble. so much better!! My next task is going to be their DR sounds....which currently are G's. (Let's go guy off is what they say instead of let's go dry off. so odd)

At their ballet class (Brooke is in the giant tu-tu and Audrey is to her right) demonstrating first position
There are some adorable things that they say that I hate to correct cause it will be sad when they say it correctly. My favorite one is for each other. They say "ca cover" As in, "Let's snuggle up with ca cover" I mean how cute is that!
They also are so funny with trampoline - which is pronounced "camp-o-ween-ween" Huh?
Their favorite part of ballet class - the Ben and Jerry's ice cream after. There 4 of their good friends in the class so we go next door to get our treat after each class. Did you know that you can buy a pint and they will give you cones and cups? for free? Best bargain ever!
Knock on wood, but I think that the girls are finally escaping the horrible 3's. As I have told anyone who will listen, the three's are clearly and exponentially worse than the two's. I am convinced that the terrible two's is really a cleverly orchestrated prank on all new parents (oh thank heavens that we got through those two's without much incident. let the good life begin. hah - suckers! welcome to the craziness/moodiness/whinyness of three) With that said, I still recognize that the girls even at their worst were always still in the well behaved portion on the general preschooler spectrum. But lately we seem to have turned a corner. The number of melt-downs has dramatically reduced and the temper tantrums seem to have all but subsided. Hooray!! Let's hope this continues and there is not some secret disaster waiting for us at 4.
Always with a flair for the dramatic, Brooke protesting her time-out at the beach
The girls now think it is hilarious to call anyone who passes gas (clearly not me) a stink bug. They immediately announce "I passed gas. I am a STINK BUG" And then the other one immediately crouches down to smell ca-cover's tushie. Cute when it is one of them...not as cute when it is a parent that is a stink bug and is in Target for example.
The girls are super great playmates these days. Sometimes I even feel guilty as they totally self-entertain with each other. (a popular activity is getting all of the pillows and blankets that they can find and making a giant bed to have sleepovers in with all of their animals) Of course the down side of this is that they can be exclusionary to their friends at playdates. Which always makes me feel awkward. We are working on this and talking about how they hurt other people's feelings if they don't play with them.
They have had two swim lessons and seem to really like their teacher Miss Elizabeth - as evidenced by constantly calling to her as she is trying to do her job as a life guard (Miss Elizabeth, watch this!!) She is super patient and super sweet though. They are doing once a week lessons for 30 minutes each one-on-one with Miss Elizabeth.
Audrey 's first lesson

Brooke's first lesson