We had a great long weekend at Virginia Beach for Labor Day. We had never been to Virginia Beach before and so we were very excited to see what it was like. It is very much like Myrtle Beach (ie sort of red-necky.) No nice beach houses, just hotels and tourist stuff up and down the main drag. We tried to explain cruising to the girls but they didn't get it
We headed down there fairly early on Friday and came back on Monday. Here are some pictures of our trip...I am aware that it is insane that I have this many pictures devoted to one weekend at the beach, but to be honest I actually took about 180, so this is already greatly edited!
The girls on the beach, in front of the boardwalk, that ran behind all of the hotels. This is the hotel that we stayed it. Its biggest perks were that it was a suite and it was on the half-marathon course.

Audrey chasing a seagull. I am nervous (read frightened) around all birds, especially seagulls, so whenever they started to congregate, I would send one of the girls off to chase them away. Shameless, I know.

They were so so so excited to get to the water!

This one is the Baywatch shot of Brooke

Planning out the day's activity - digging a huge hole!

Say Cheese girls!

This is the life! This is also how I know that they are related to me...they loved to lie in their (pull-out couch) bed and watch TV and relax.

Rare Mom photos!

Have I mentioned how much the girls LOVE the water!

She cracks me up how she will pull her sunglasses up on her head.

My little mermaid Audrey

Our balcony was just big enough for all 4 of us to sit on and eat lunch. In conjunction with the rock and roll half marathon, there was a giant stage out on the beach - about 4 blocks down. And each night they had concerts. So we were treated to a free, and extremely loud (we can't imagine how loud it must have been in the hotels right by the stage as we could clearly hear every single word, even inside) concerts by Stone Temple Pilots and Brett Michaels.