Today the girls are 4 months old. How Exciting!! The girls are so cute and so sweet and have been so much fun...we have really been blessed by little Audrey and Brooke.

Today they had their 4 mo appointment. Last time the shots went extremely well and so I was expecting smooth sailing again. Unfortunately they seemed to realize more what was going on and so therefore screamed much more this time. Again I wish I had a video camera because Brooke's face was priceless as she sat waiting her turn looking at Audrey who was wailing away at the top of her lungs...complete with actual tears. So not to be outdone, Brooke amazingly was able to scream even louder to try to drown out the still screaming Audrey. I can only imagine what the little kid next door must have thought. So here are their stats:
Audrey:weight 14 lbs 6.5 oz which is the 70th percentile
height 23.5 in which is the 23rd percentile
head 39.5 cm which is the 13th percentile
it is now on computers and her growth was bigger than the computer had predicted.
Brooke:weight 16 lbs 6.5 oz which is the 95th percentile
height 24.75 in which is the 71st percentile
head 41.2 cm which is the 59th percentile
I'm enjoying seeing little Kerry & Darren. I also like the black shoes!
If I ever had twins, you would never see them out of matching outfits. I think that's why God had the sense to not give me twins. So I appreciate the matching dress picture! I can't believe they are four months!
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