Friday, June 19, 2009

Week in review

It has been a trying week here at our house. There was a snake in our house!! (thank heavens D was home cause apparently I had neither fight nor flight instinct, just freeze and scream hysterically!) The girls have been under the weather...which leads to general fussiness and clinginess and waking up in the middle of the night....which leads to general fussiness of mommy.

They seem to be almost completely rebounded and that is perfect cause we are getting ready for a family vacation to the beach! We have purchased a ton of swim/beach paraphernalia and I am anxious to see how much we can fit into our suitcases.

The girls continue to be such little cuties. Their vocabulary is expanding every day and it is just adorable. My favorite word now is "uh-oh."...which is good since it is said at least 50 times a day. Drop something (even if on purpose!)..uh-oh. Something in the wrong place...uh-oh. (And my favorite) Leave the toilet lid up...uh-oh. And to be clear uh-oh is repeated until the situation is rectified. I cannot tell you how many times "uh-oh" was said during this little caper...of course they said it in between shoveling the Cheerios into their mouths.


Ellie and Charlie Durham said...

OH MY GOSH--- Snake! THank gosh that D was there!!!
Very cute cheerios incident. This is when the dog comes in handy ;)

Amber said...

You had a snake in your house?!? I also freeze when something bad happens. But usually it involves one of the kids hurting themselves. Then Jared has to be super dad while I just stand there staring at my crying child. So strange.