The girls are 22 months!! That is super crazy...both cause I feel like they were just born and cause apparently I need to plan a birthday party.
Brooke riding in a stroller by herself for the first time. She is being escorted by Audrey, Grayer, his mom Leslie, and Lorelei.
I haven't really done an update post in a while, so that is what this will be. In general they are super adorable and a joy to be around....though they do occasionally have melt down temper tantrums. The kicker with that is that it is almost impossible to tell what will cause it (for instance, one of them may decide that they were the one that should shut the door rather than the other and therefore it is totally unacceptable that the other touched the door and therefore meltdown)
Brooke hanging out at the park
They are really cute with each other - they will copy each other and play with each other and comfort each other when they are upset and give each other unwanted food (though occasionally this does not go well as the receiver does not want the food). They will call out for each other when one of them is "missing" or needs to come do something.
Making worms with the play-doh
Their verbal skills are getting better and better - though I am aware that a lot of it is decipherable only to me and D (eg: boppy is an airplane for both of them). Audrey will read through her little first words book (though train is always choo-choo and the potty is poo-poo). They both have learned the colors pink, purple, blue, green, and yellow (though Brooke is always the first to yell out the answer) They do not acknowledge red or orange - not sure why as "Melmo" is a favorite around the house and he has both red and orange.
Eating a fruit and yogurt parfait at McD's with their friend Lorelei
They are very big into boo-boos and insist that they are kissed (they frequently will kiss each others, ours, or their own) Daily they kiss D's black toenail - one of the many things that they will later be disturbed that they did. Audrey will generally get pretend hurt if Brooke gets an actual boo-boo (so funny to see her tap her knee on something and then run over with pretend crying).
Brooke hearts "noodles"They have started to try to dress themselves. Brooke insists on putting on her pants (though I have to help her by pulling up the back and making sure that her legs go into different openings) and is very good about looking for the tag to make sure it is in the back. Audrey likes to dress herself but she generally gets clothes out of the hamper and tries to put them on over her clothes. As an aside -today the girls found a unique use of the hamper. They turned it on its side and used it as a trampoline. Needless to say that we will be searching for a new hamper.
Audrey hearts being cute and pretending to eat noodles
They are great little climbers. They climb into their high chairs and into their car seats!! They have just recently started to buckle themselves as well - though this is usually before they are actually seated. And they love to climb on playgrounds - Brooke is the more adventurous of the two while Audrey seems to actually be the more coordinated. Audrey is still a little jumper. She hops around the house and will hop out of the van (fortunately she holds my hand to exit as she totally jumps with both feet from the van!)

Our little monkeys at the parkA funny thing that they have just started to do is to climb onto the potty lid and grunt and strain and say poo-poo. (No actual poop though) Hopefully this will make potty training easier. They are just so cute as they are becoming little people!!