Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Baltimore Aquarium

This past weekend we loaded up and made the trek up to Baltimore to see the aquarium. The aquarium is on the harbor (which is quite lovely) but D and I thought that it was over rated - or as we kept saying "at least the girls were free!" The aquarium at Moody Gardens and in New Orleans are much better. However, the girls seemed to enjoy it - possibly cause it had a million escalators which they just love to ride on. My favorite part was the tank of giant rays - which I tried desperately to take a picture of but all I got was flash or blur. We did take the girls to their first movie - a little 4-d picture about the animals in different climates. They liked all but when they got sprayed in the face, twice, with water from the seat back in front of them. We also went to the dolphin show. Here are some of the more successful pictures from our day:
The family - the aquarium is the building in the back with all of the glass pyramids


Hazel said...

Great-looking family!
Did you go in Barnes & Nobles there? Interesting building.

Norma said...

I remember going there as a kid and loving it. I seem to remember it as much nicer than what you described though. Memories. :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great day - but what cracks me up is how I can hear your voice say "and here are some of the more successful shots of our day." I can hear your voice in your writing and it cracks me up:!!!!!!