Friday, August 20, 2010

New Friend

One of my best friends Erica - and her son Spencer is therefore one of the girls best friends - had her second baby the day before we left for the beach. I was able to go visit them and here is a picture of little Parker when he was less than a day old - it is hard to believe that they can go from a tiny little blob to a walking, talking little person in less than 2 years.

Now that we are back to our normal life, we were able go and see them this week. The girls have been very excited to meet Baby Parker. They LOVE babies!! (kind of makes me sad that they won't get to be big sisters) Here are a couple of shots of them with him - Brooke likes to be a little more hands on with babies, but Audrey is currently calling her little doll Baby Parker.

It is hard to tell but they were moving his arms and hands around in the last picture....I am not sure he knew what to think about all of the attention he got from them.

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