Thursday, May 31, 2012

We are moved!

We are moved! Here is a quick recap of our move (probably more info than any person could possibly want but this is my only record of anything as my brain really no longer functions as a memory source):

Wednesday May 16: our packers Ed and Dave arrive at 7:45.  Girls go to school for their last day.  D's flight back to VA was canceled and he had to rebook on a much later flight.  The packers were crazy fast and had all our stuff in boxes and inventoried by 4 pm...the same time D arrived.  I had us all packed up and we spent the night in a hotel in Fairfax. (night 1, location 1)
The girls thought it was so funny to see the house totally empty.
Thursday May 17: Ed and Dave had two helpers to load the truck.  They started at 7:45 and were done by 11:30.  Crazy fast.  Much faster than we thought it would possibly be done.  So we decided to head on out and get a few hours down the road.  So we stayed somewhere about 3 hours out. (night 2, location 2)
Our last family photo in front of our house in VA
Friday May 18: Since we left early we decided to stop at Great Wolf Lodge in Charlotte and spend the day frolicking at the indoor water park.  We got there about noon, had lunch, bought Brooke some new crocs as she had packed one of her purple crocs and one of A's purple crocs (both right feet), and were in the water park by 1.  And thank heavens the girl measuring was very generous and measured Audrey as 42 inches so that she could go on all the rides except the tornado (perhaps it was because we were yelling at A to stand up super straight and lift her head as high as possible to try to hit that line)  The girls were AWESOME and did everything and LOVED it.  It was wonderful! (night 3, location 3)
The girls at Great Wolf Lodge
 Saturday May 19: We drove to Atlanta to visit with D's sister Leslie and her family.  (As an aside, D pulled a muscle in his back this morning while putting on his shoes.  If it had not looked so painful watching him writhe around on the floor, then it would have been hilarious that he got hurt putting on shoes!) The girls had been looking forward to playing with their cousin Kayla for weeks and it did not disappoint.  They had tons of fun.  (night 4, location 4)
Playing with Kayla and loving every minute of it
Sunday May 20: We drove to MS to stay with my mom....and leave the girls there while we unpacked and got settled. (night 5, location 5:  So I have been pointing out all the different places that we stayed mainly cause it was so hysterical each time that we stayed for ONE night after unloading 5 suitcases, two boxes of our special keepsakes that I did not want the movers to take, a cooler, 4 bags of food, two dora backpacks, two bags of stuffed animals, and a goldfish!!)

Monday May 21: We (minus the girls) arrived at our house just before noon.  Ed and Dave had already started unloading our stuff when we pulled up.  They unloaded all our stuff and were done by 5.  We went that night and bought a fridge, washer, dryer, and TV.
What our house looked like when we pulled up to it
Tuesday May 22: The unpackers arrived (late and man they moved slowly) and unpacked all our stuff, the uncraters arrived and took out the TV's and reassembled our computer desk, and the furniture we ordered for the girls' room and playroom arrived too.  We took Target by storm...thank heavens for that 5% redcard discount.
The girls' princess playroom...they love it
The girls' bedroom
Wednesday May 23: Lots of organizing.  Our purchases from Monday night arrived. D and I spent the first night in our new home!

Thursday May 24: D thought he had a training class but after arriving and walking through a class in progress he realized that it had been canceled.  We got our TV and internet all set up - we are loving the whole house DVR.  What a revolution in TV watching. More organizing

Friday May 25: D and I got our new Lousiana driver's licenses.  That is always a treat.  There were only 2 workers - and one of them seriously was the person that took people out on the driving test.  And you can only pay cash...but if that is the case why would you choose to charge $24.50 and not $25?  Most excitingly, my mom arrived and the girls got to see the house for the first time.  Their reaction was awesome!


Anonymous said...
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Kate Pettrey said...

So glad to see some photos and hear about your trip! The girls' playroom is AWESOME!!! Glad you're getting settled in. We certainly aren't used to Thursdays alone yet!

redfirekat said...

Wow! Looks great. I laughed at all your stuff in the driveway tho. Glad the girls are enjoying their spaces. I like their beds. Are you going to be ready for the beach after all that?

jnhc99 said...

All so exciting and gives me hope for our move this summer (to another house in KW). Your neighborhood looks fantastic, the house beautiful and I love the garage doors!