everyone up on the super fascinating life that we have, this post will be quite wordy.
Well the girls are certainly behind on their "movement" milestones. As mentioned in an earlier post, they are sort of rolling over from their tummy to their back. And by sort of, I mean if their hands and arms happen to be in the correct place and they happen to get mad enough and happen to push their little booty over. But we still count that. We have many theories about the lack of movement ranging from the fact that they were 5 weeks early and twins to the fact that they are just so happy there is nothing that they could possibly want so there is no need to move to the thought that they just don't think rolling is sophisticated and are therefore boycotting it. Obviously we have put much thought into this.
Now with that long build up (and since I am pretty much using this in lieu of a baby book) I am pleased to announce that Brooke is now kicking her legs so hard that she is rolling to her side!! FINALLY!! Some movement initiated by them which will hopefully lead to additional movement. As an aside, I don't understand how their heels aren't perpetually bruised cause they slam them down so hard and so frequently-especially since they love to do that in the bath tub!!
More excitement: They are both practicing their independent sitting. Once placed in an upright position, both girls will stay that way unassisted for up to 30 seconds!! WOW!! Audrey is much better at this. Unfortunately once Brooke topples forward, she is not inclined to use her arms to push.
With all of that said, they are just adorable. Here are some updates about what they are doing: They are both talkers and now in the car you can hear them just chatting and cooing away--mainly from Brooke, but Audrey adds her few comments as well! And t
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