Monday, October 27, 2008


Brooke has discovered that she can sit up and stand up in her crib...and what do you know? Audrey is just right next door for her to see. (Audrey only stands up if you put her in her crib sitting up - once placed on her back she stays that way) So Brooke finds it so fun to stand up and look at Audrey. And apparently she is trying to give her pacifiers to Audrey cause they are all ending up on the floor between the cribs - very convenient for me when I am searching for them in a crisis.
Brooke talking to Audrey during nap timeAudrey listening to Goodnight Moon while Brooke looks in Audrey's crib....there must be a way in!


Ellie and Charlie Durham said...

Very cute!! And hilarious at the same time :)

Hazel said...

I wonder what it will be like when both stand up and talk to each other. Will you have to separate the cribs a little bit?

And Brooke really looks as if she's trying to get over there!