Saturday, November 21, 2009

Doctor's visit

This past week we went to the Doctor's office for their 2 year old check up. The girls were VERY excited about going. Brooke especially kept talking about going to "MY doctor" (I think this is because a few weeks ago we went to the derm. for a follow up for Audrey and she was quite upset that the doctor was not for her.)

Brooke with her pager on her PJ's!

We had been talking up going quite a bit. And then for their birthday they got some pretend doctor's kits...which are a huge hit. They love to doctor each other, their dolls, their animals, and me. Their favorite thing to do is give shots. And we packed up a little kit to take with us to the doctor's office.

Temperature, check

So I had high hopes for the visit. But let me tell you, they exceeded all my expectations. They were PERFECT!! Their only whining was when they wanted to get the shot - that is right they were whining to GET the shot. They thought that the Dr. should do it immediately, not the nurse at the end of the visit. And fortunately the girls each did get to get a shot in their thighs (seriously I am not sure what they would have done if they did not get one.) and no lie - not one single tear or whimper.

Shot, check

This was their first "big girl" appointment where they weighed them on the stand up scale and they did not have to get naked for the appointment (sort of sad for me!) They seem to be doing great - on track for everything.

My friend Leslie had her twins on the girls birthday. So here are one week old twins with two year, one week year old twins!
Amazing that they grow that much in 2 years!

Audrey is 34.5 inches tall (just under the 75th percentile) and weighs 27 lbs (just over the 50th) Dr. was quite pleased to see that she has continued to maintain (and even exceed) her weight curve after her plateau from 12 - 15 months.

Brooke is 36.75 inches tall (just over the 95th) and weighs 30 lbs (just under the 90th). So the girls have maintained their 3 lb buffer since birth. It is interesting that Brooke is over 2 inches taller than Audrey. I wonder how that will play out in the future.


LTs said...

glad to hear it all went well, i was thinking about you when we were there this week.

Izzie and Chuck Norris' parents said...

Yeah girls! You gals are getting to be big girls!!

Norma said...

Your shot story is amazing. If Aidan sees the needle he gets upset. The strep q-tip is the worst. Glad it went so well. :)

Unknown said...

My sister Walked in on me naked in our kids in our bed naked one being tounged the other I had my dick in my sister was like dam you get hard from or kids