The girls love to paint and draw on their easel - perhaps I should buy some smocks rather than making them do it naked.
Audrey had a bad case of hives. There was no obvious cause and the doctor chalked it up to hives associated with a virus. Fortunately it did not bother her at all as here she is pulling her socks up to her knees with glee. (weight for the girls at the doctor: A 27.75 lbs and B 31.25 lbs)
A visit from Granddaddy - here they are playing hide and seek (B is super bossy during this activity as she is the one who tells you whether you hide or count) and here they are getting read to in A's crib - it is the happening place to be. The girls get in there together before and after every bedtime and naptime - and it is always Audrey's crib.
I have finally moved them from their high chairs to sitting on boosters at the table...sigh, they are growing up so fast.
And for the truly hard-core fan, here is a video of the girls putting on big girl panties. We are gearing up for some major potty training here in the next couple of weeks. So to go along with that, we bought some panties. I don't know why, but I think that this video is very funny - probably cause it is a snap shot of life around here in all of its chaos and glory.