I feel bad that I have not been updating this as frequently as I used to. The girls are still super cute, but it seems to be harder and harder to take photos of them being cute....especially since so much of their current cuteness is in their vocabulary and their interactions with each other. They are so adorable how they will tell us that they love us "mommy (or daddy or mama if it is Audrey - I love the way she calls me mama!!), me love you so so so much!" I mean it is heart-melting! One thing that is not quite as adorable is the "mommy, watch this" It is CONSTANT and frequently what they want me to watch is so bizarre (e.g.: Audrey grabbing her foot, yelling ouch, and then falling to the floor. Really?)
Here is the cutest saying today. There was a moth in our bathroom today and the girls were super excited to see it. They wanted to make sure that it was still there when daddy got home so that they could show him the moth. Well at one point the moth moved to the bathroom door and was just above the girls heads. They walked over to the moth and had a conversation with him:
Brooke: Moth - you no poop on the floor. (this as she wags her little finger at him)
Audrey: Moth- you no tinkle or poop on the floor.
They are so funny.
How cute that the girls have their own little play group! They can do so much more than when you moms started meeting!
Now, Auntie Crystal really misses them!!! I can't wait to see and HEAR them.
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