Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Today in the car (on the way to Target, of course) we were working on our vocabulary and it ended up as something so funny:

Me: Raise your hand if you are a genius.
All 3 of us raised our hands
Me: Audrey, what does being a genius mean?
Audrey: smart

Me: Raise your hand if you are hilarious.
All 3 of us raised our hands
Me: Brooke, what does hilarious mean?
Brooke: very funny

Me: Raise your hand if you are humongous.
No one raised their hand
Brooke: Mom, raise your hand.  You are humongous! 
Audrey: Yeah mom.  You are giant.

Though my ego may be bruised, at least they know what humongous means!
Totally unrelated picture - Me and D at our first Redskins game


redfirekat said...

That's pretty funny. Maybe I should show them my baby belly on Skype again . . . now THAT'S humongous.

Anonymous said...

That is indeed hilarious ;)
Was it possible you guys were also discussing opposites??

jnhc99 said...

this just made my night even better. Your girls are truly hilarious! So funny.