On Monday the girls will be 12 weeks old..CRAZY!! Here are some firsts that we have experienced lately...
- SICK: well it seems that all of the Haddens have had a cold here the past 2 weeks. First D brought it home from work and had it all last week. It appeared that the gals were going to miss getting it, but alas this week all 3 of us seem to have gotten it....well I know for sure that K has it (as she has felt poopy) and all evidence points to the girls having it as well. They sound like little piggies with all that congestion in their noses, they are sneezing and coughing, and (for them) they are not eating as well. I have even tried using that little bulb thing to clear their noses (is it bad that I am using the same one for both of them??) but am clearly not good at it. So I just kept trying and trying and then I read that you should limit using it because it can make it worse...who knew?...and you should decide if it is really bothering them or just bothering me...and then I felt guilty because it really had been bothering me, but determined that if they were able to then surely they would be blowing their noses.
It is hard work to be a baby! Audrey began her nap early in her bouncer.
- SMILE: we have determined that Audrey will in fact smile at us...not just when she is gassy (which is a lot...we all know which parent she gets that from). Brooke is not there yet, but in reality she has only just now started looking at us at all. We are clearly not as fascinating as the ceiling, but she is giving us a chance now.
Brooke is ready for an outing!
- HANDS: they have both begun to discover their hands. They don't stare at them for ages, but they certainly love to put them in their mouth! Brooke now unswaddles herself during naps and puts her hands in her mouth. This is an improvement because we have caught her chewing on Audrey!
Here we are snoozing...Audrey always snuggles up to Brooke, who has released her hand.
- HAIR: both of the girls continue to get their "new" hair. Audrey's is pretty dark and Brooke's just stands straight up on top of her head. But more interestingly, K is losing her hair in huge clumps...thank heavens she cut it or our shower would never drain.
Brooke is showing off her new hair...and a new outfit!
- CLOTHES: Brooke has outgrown all of her 0-3 mo sleepers!! We just couldn't get them zipped over her belly or thighs. She is now wearing 3-6 mo in almost everything. Audrey has finally transitioned to 0-3 mo (she probably has been there a while, but it was very sad to move her out of newborn!!) So while it is very sad to move them up, at least that means that we get to go shopping for new clothes...at least for Brooke. Audrey is getting hand-me-downs from Brooke!
Audrey says "Mommy, I think these pants are cutting of circulation to my legs. Can I please wear 0-3 mo now?"
- OUTINGS: We took the girls to our favorite restaurant Chuys this past weekend. They were very good and sat in their little car seats and stared at the ceiling (Hooray! a new ceiling to look at!). They also went to their first "playgroup."...again they sat in their car seats. They went to another 1 year old birthday party where they sat in their car seats. We also have made another outing to Kroger where we get lots of comments (eg: are they twins? is that one (pointing to Brooke) a boy? was she first (again pointing to Brooke)? and my favorite, I'm sure glad it's you and not me....I basically have no snappy replies so let me know if you think of any)
We are exhausted after all our outings!!
When they say, "I'm so glad it's you and not me," just look at them very seriously and say, "Me, too."
Oh, and my hair fell out like crazy after a few months! I actually started checking out Rogaine for women. And then when I went to get a trim, my hair lady was amazed at all the new hair growing in!
Cute pics of sweet Audrey and Brooke! Kerry, the entouch.com e-mails are bouncing back. Send me your new e-mail address!
Great new updates. I am glad the belly is gone...I am assuming that it really is gone???
Wish I could hold those sweet little girls. They look like so much fun.
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