The adventures of two of the cutest girls ever - as told by a very biased mommy!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Here are some cute pics of things that are new in the Hadden House:
Carpet for the playroom...we are all ready for crawling!
What a fun new toy!
How cute is Audrey wearing "little girl" clothes with her tiny little khaki shorts!!
Brooke can now feed herself her bottle...both exciting and a little sad for mommy!
Audrey is showing off two new things: her wonderful new bib (much better than the previous plastic ones) and she is eating some apple from her little mesh thing...they both really like to eat ice from the mesh bag, but we are starting with some actual food as well.
Brooke loves the new zwieback toast...Audrey is not quite as sure of it.
Audrey is showing off her new hair clip!
Here is a video of Brooke's puff eating prowess.
Here is Audrey showing her new skill of shaking things off her head.
So super duper cute! The girls are so beautiful! I love to see how they have grown since you left Houston. We miss you all. I love the videos the most b/c I get to see their little personalities in action. Your friends, The Childers Fam
They are sooo cute! That is such a beautiful pic of Audrey showing off her clip! Love the videos too! Miss you guys!
So super duper cute! The girls are so beautiful! I love to see how they have grown since you left Houston. We miss you all. I love the videos the most b/c I get to see their little personalities in action. Your friends, The Childers Fam
Ok, It has been over a week! Where is the next update? :)
You must frame the picture of Audrey with her hair clip. She looks so beautiful.
They are doing so much! Can't wait to see it in person - two months from today. YEAH!!!
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