Monday, December 5, 2011

Don't worry Mia...

My reference to Mia Hamm may be a tad outdated (who is the new it-girl for women's soccer? Brandy Chastain? those are the only two I can even name) but we have come to the end of our first "season" of soccer.  And we are taking a break.  As Audrey said "I don't like soccer because you have to run too much."  And while that is true - neither girl was breaking any land speed records with their efforts.  I blame it on the 9am practice times, the numerous rain-outs, and the sub 40 degree temps.  That and I think that they may be just a tad lazy.  Which they may get from me.

But alas, I did take some pictures of their last practice (which was actually on their birthday...I am as always behind)

 Assuming soccer position - not really sure why this is needed as I never did this in all my years of playing soccer.
 Brooke running toward the goal
 Audrey moseying toward the goal
 While they may not be the next superstars of soccer, they are certainly SUPER CUTE!!

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