Saturday, September 20, 2008


New foods: frozen peas (read this in a book that it is good for practicing pinching and easy to eat), rotisserie chicken (love, love, love), and pasta (not really sure of that but another book suggested letting them play with the spaghetti to experience the different texture - which Audrey seemed to find disgusting).

It is amazing how much the girls are doing these days. Brooke is a star at turning off the light switch - usually it only takes one try - with her pointer finger (though confusingly some of our lights have two switches so pushing it down does not always turn it off.) She also continues to take remarkably large bites out of every book we own...I guess it is just extra fiber.

Brooke is also making some progress with her crawling. She can get her butt up (and push forward with her face smashed in the carpet) and she can get her arms straight and move (but usually pushing herself backwards). I have a video of her doing her impersonation of crawling that is pretty funny but very long so I will spare you.

Audrey is a crawling machine though frequently her crawling results in Brooke getting mad - takes a toy or uses various parts of Brooke to push off of.

Since we have officially started getting cold(er) weather up here, I have decided that the girls need to start wearing shoes. (no lie - it was 50 degrees this morning and I used my seat warmers in the car...winter is going to be a giant shock!!) So here they are with their very first shoes ever!

1 comment:

Hazel said...

Love the spaghetti pics!