Monday, September 1, 2008


Somehow I am behind on my posting this will be another catch up post. D's parents came up from South Carolina to visit us for a long weekend to see the new house and especially the girls. Fortunately the girls did not have any stranger danger...maybe they remember them from the beach just a month ago. The girls were superstars and quite adorable all weekend long. They love to clap and wave (though the waving has declined some) and just laugh and play.

Art did some home improvement projects - which was great!! - and the grandparents kept them one night so that D and I could go out on the town. I found a "cool" restaurant in the Georgetown area that did indeed have great food. We also went out to eat a couple of times as a whole group. Fortunately the girls are still good out and about. D took us to work to see his office (Denise, it was spotless!!) And of course we went to several parks. Unfortunately I did not have my camera at one park where Brooke rode the merry-go-round with Daddy, which she seemed to love. Just as an update, Audrey is still the more aggressive little gal and she frequently steals whatever Brooke has. Brooke just seems to take it for the most part.

Here are pictures of the weekend:

Brooke at the park - it was quite sunny that day!

Audrey also at the park...still wearing a bib but the spit-up is less!

Out for Sunday brunch...Brooke loves to sit in the booth like a grown-up. When the waiter was telling the specials she was leaning around D so that she could hear...adorable!Waving in their matching PJ's from the grandparents!

1 comment:

Hazel said...

It looks like Brooke has the Miss America wave - but tell her she must drop the pacifier!