So as you may have seen on the TV, there was lots of bad weather. First Gustav, then Hannah (and Ike is out there too!) Well, I had not been watching the TV and did not know that Hannah was close to the US. I thought it was going to rain here because we were getting the last little remnants of Gustav. As it turns out, that was incorrect. So it rained and rained and rained all day Saturday. Around 2pm our power went out. I called to report the outage and the message said should be restored by 5pm. So we played and waited- see the very dark video.
As it was getting close to dinner and we still had no power, we decided to head out and just hope to find some place with power. As we drove up the street, this is what we saw:

You may not be able to tell, but that tree landed right on a power line...thus the lack of power.Though the girls didn't seemed bothered by it at all!
Fortunately, they had our power back on by noon today. Also fortunate that it was cool here as I was having flashbacks of the heat with Rita!
After this post, I am all caught up! Thanks to D for watching the girls!!
Thank you D for watching the girls while Kerry posted the blog. I enjoy my weekly reading! Enjoyed visiting Hotel Hadden too! :)
could have been worse... Try evacuating for Gustav, returning 4 days later to a house without power or sewerage service for a day and a half. (All on the heels of Katrina). :)
What adventures you have - keep us posted!
Just wanted to say Hi, Audrey and Brooke!
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