Unfortunately the day got off to a rocky beginning. It took me forever to get to the zoo and I was trying to get there in time for the elephant baths (which we barely did). Brooke then decided to scream for pretty much the first hour that we were there. And when we got to the gorillas, we realized that Audrey now only had on ONE shoe. Since I am cheap and they are the Robeez not to mention the only pair that she has, I hiked back up the hill (if you have not been to the DC zoo, here is a warning: it is all downhill which is great until you have to LEAVE!) and looked for the missing shoe. No luck.
In front of the prairie dogs - note Brooke is still screaming!
The girls seemed to look at some of the animals - especially the little armadillo in the small mammal house that just kept running back and forth in its cage. They were not fascinated by the orangutans that the zoo lets travel around. (I even tipped the stroller for them to see them). Erica is disturbed by them as she thinks that one of them could easily lose its grip (say in the middle of a heart palpitation) and come crashing down onto a person.
Audrey seemed to like the sea lion (or maybe seal) demonstration. Though I found it disturbing the number of tricks they had them do just in case of medical issues in the future - like breathing into a little traffic cone in case in the future they needed anesthesia!
Our last stop of the day was the pandas. A friendly person was holding the door open for us and said "Oh, you must be the little girl who lost her shoe. We saw the shoe in front of the hippos." WHAT?!? Apparently someone had picked up the shoe and placed it on one of the trashcans so it would be easy to find. Though I was actually searching on the ground, but alas I ran to the hippos and rescued the missing shoe!
Sorry I haven't been commenting but I have been following the life of the Hs! You little ones are growing up so fast! You are having a great adventure.
2nd place in FFL! Good for you!
Oh, the zoo looks like alot of fun!!! And, we're so glad to hear you found the shoe! :)
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